Efficient, Effective Searches For Relevant Content By Courses
The SimpliTaught Learner-Centric Ecosystem
- SimpliTaught curates, evaluates, and presents content directly to the learner/student
- Content includes free public domain assets, plus premium tier proprietary content
- Content is presented based on learner preferences
- SimpliTaught is a collaborative ecosystem for the creation, sharing, and distribution of learning resources
Results Based On User Preferences
The adaptive learning platform provides content, key concepts and classes each student is studying/researching. What is recommended for one student is different from what is recommended for another student. Some students prefer access to physical books, some enjoy a hybrid learning environment, and others prefer completely online learning experiences.
Just like Netflix suggests programming to its subscribers, SimpliTaught uses AI and Machine Learning algorithms to suggest the best content for each user. These smart systems process and provide data for students to increase match rate to the best learning tools, whether it’s curated lectures, videos from favorite educators, or exam prep guides. The more SImpliTaught is utilized, the better it can understand a student’s learning style , thus guiding them to the most helpful resources.
SimpliTaught Facilitates Collaboration Between Learners Studying The Same Content
The SimpliTaught platform is social in nature, with a chat feature that creates a learning environment among students and educators.
Students from different universities who are taking the same courses can share notes, helpful resources they’ve found, discuss chapters, and more.
Students also have the ability to follow or unfollow educators. The educators can post any additional
resources they feel will be beneficial to students such as class notes, a syllabus, lecture slides, and additional videos.